Ground Zero

Satisfied new patient at St Paul's Chapel at Ground Zero.

November 15, 2002

Dear Friends:

As you gather today to celebrate the contributions of the countless chiropractors who volunteered their time and hard work to the rescue effort at Ground Zero, I would like to offer my congratulations and sincere thanks.

Last year's coordinated efforts at the World Trade Center site not only helped the rescue and clean up crews, but boosted the morale of New York City .The outpouring of volunteers and supporters proved that New York was far from beaten. In fact, the tragedy brought us closer together and made us stronger. Thank you for your determination and tireless devotion.

Best wishes.

Rudolph W. Giuliani

FIVE TIMES SQUARE. NEW YORK. NY 10036. TEL: (212) 931-7300. FAX: (212) 931-7310


November 15, 2002

Dr. Ellen Coyne
New York Chiropractic Council 65-23 70th Avenue
Glendale, NY 11385

Dear Dr. Coyne:

On behalf of the New York City Police Department, I want to express my deepest thanks and gratitude to the New York Chiropractic Council and its members for all the assistance you rendered during the recovery effol1s at Ground Zero.

In the wake of the September 11th attack on the World Trade Center, most of the public's attention was focused on the valiant efforts of police officers, firefighters and other rescue workers who responded so heroically. But what was not so obvious to the public at large were the courageous efforts of those who volunteered their time and medical expertise to assist in the recovery .

Over the course of eight months, close to two million tons of debris were removed from Ground Zero. The chiropractors played an important role in this incredible feat. Your professional treatment of thousands of rescue workers helped all who were involved in the recovery efforts to persevere. You are among the many quiet heroes of September 11th whose contributions will not be forgotten.

Thank you again for your service, and please accept my very best wishes for an enjoyable ceremony and dinner this evening.


Police Commissioner 

1 PolIce Plaza, New York, NY 10038 .646-610-5410 .Fax: 646-610-5865
Webalte: hnp:JJnyc.govJnypd

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